Kartini and Ki Hajar Dewantara are two pivotal figures in the history of education in Indonesia. To commemorate the birth anniversary of those figures, Yahya Christian Primary School [held a series event, of which all Yahya Primary students joined with great fervor.
The occasion started on Tuesday morning, on 2 May 2017 where all of the students and teachers were gathered to join the flag ceremony. Twenty students had been trained formerly to carry the flag and to create a solemn harmony throughout the service. In addition, Alisha and Cline as the representative of the students recited two poems about Kartini and Ki Hajar Dewantara. Every word they articulated was intended to instigate other school members to always put a salute for those two figures. In that beautiful morning, the school members were all at undivided attention throughout the ceremonial.
On Thursday, 4 May 2017, the other events continued successful. Itwas set off by long walk carnival in Citarum area in which students and teachers were wearing traditional outfits or costumes of their aspirations and inpiring figures. Along the walk, students brought slogans and posters about education that they had previously made in their classes in order to inspire anyone they met during the carnival. With such enthusiasm, they also sang national anthems until they reached Yahya School again.
After arrived at school, the students joined educational compet itions to harness their literacy, arts, and public speaking skills. One student, one competition at a time. They were a group quiz resembled “Are you smarter than fifth graders?”, spoken word poetry contest, and poster making competition. The core of those series of the event is not about the winning, yet contributing with genuine interest as well as growing with confidence. And, that’s why, Yahya Christian Primary School students seemed blossom until the event was closed. It was such a big and fun day!